Sunday, September 22, 2013

What's in a Blog name??

Choosing a name for my Blog was a real challenge, as to my own shame I seem to have little or no imaginative flair. I have nervous memories of being in Primary School and hearing the Teacher ask for that Composition Book to be taken out for creative writing. I just couldn't ever understand how anyone in a limited time frame could possibly create a story on paper, particularly with a given topic. While many others wriggled with excitement and anticipation I joined the crowd that had sweaty palms and felt like they could throw up on the next persons shoulder. Despite this great trepidation I somehow managed to churn out a story that must have met with the teachers satisfaction.

Even though I dreaded the task of story writing I loved reading and was an avid reader from a very young age. I read well and could not get enough of books. Some of my favourites were the Secret Seven Series (Enid Blyton), Heidi (Johanna Spyri) and the sequels Heidi Grows Up and Heidi's Children (Charles Tritten). Amidst all the books I read as a child I will never forget the excitement of Dad and mum buying our first set of Encyclopaedias - The World Book Encyclopaedia. It presented an opportunity to access a treasure trove of information and hours and hours of occupation.

In 1972 when I was 9, our small country town was privileged to have an Author Visit our Local Schools. Her name was Lilith Norman and she had just released a Children’s Book called "The Shape of Three". I was fascinated with her talk in the Library and of course wanted that book. My parents did buy it for me and as a 9 year old it opened up my world. The plot revolved around two teenage boys who had been swapped at birth. Their chance meeting in their early teens changed their lives and the lives of their families forever. I was intrigued with the storyline, the conversations and interactions between characters. I was aghast at the thought that babies could be mixed at birth...but I was absolutely splendored by the insights into the minds and emotional status of the characters. I think this book was the instigator that led to my interest in people and the workings of the mind.

So as I sat and pondered about a name for my Blog it became very just had to be "The Shape of 4" a token of tribute to Lilith Norman and as a perfect way to introduce our family of four.

Have you read "The Shape of Three"? I'd love to know your thoughts on this book.  Share your comments below. 

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